Student Profile; Gracelyn Hallauer


Mia Taggart and Hadlie Brady

  • What was the most challenging thing you have faced academic wise in your career here at Washburn Rural? 

“Striving for an A. I’ve always been an A student so accepting that grades don’t define you was hard for me.”

  • What are your plans for after high school, explain the process you are going through to figure all of that out?

“At the moment I don’t have any plans for after high school. I haven’t decided on a college yet. So I guess my plan now is to not worry and just know that I will figure it out eventually. 

  • What is one of your favorite memories from your years at Washburn Rural?

“My favorite memories come from the band and being on the swim team.”

  • Have you been inspired by anyone at school or at home?

“Mr. Harvey inspired me to read books and understand a more complex meaning behind them and connect it to the world that we live in.”