Grace Martinez


Emily Burris, Online Editor

If you could be any celebrity for a day who would you be?

  • “If I could be any celebrity I would be Melissa McCarthy because she’s hilarious.”

If you could describe your life via movie quote, what would you say?

  • “‘Can you bring me my chapstick’ – Napoleon Dynamite

If you could only take three items with you to a deserted island, what would you take?

  • “I would take my phone, dog, and my favorite blanket.”

What is your favorite thing about working in The Shack?

  • “My favorite thing about working in The Shack is the practical experiences I’m learning that resemble an actual retail experience.”

Why do you think The Shack is important?

  • “The Shack is important because it helps spread school spirit and gives students something to be excited about.”