Pokemon Go is detrimental to students
A student attempts to catch an Oddish in the halls of Washburn Rural.
October 23, 2016
One of the biggest games of the summer was Pokemon Go, an interactive game that allows users to hunt different creatures from an app while exploring new places.
Honestly, Pokemon was cool when I was six years old, but not anymore. I would have to say that Pokemon Go is a waste of valuable time and a dangerous app to even download, as many people have been reported injured or even dead while using this app.
I distinctly remember this summer when I was sitting at a Kansas City Royals baseball game, the lady sitting in front of me was playing Pokemon and I was absolutely furious with her. In my head I was thinking, “why would someone pay good money for a ticket and not even watch the game because they were too busy playing Pokemon?”
Pokemon Go is a distraction from what is happening in people’s surroundings. Players of this game have been seen driving into houses while playing, walking into things or people, falling off the side of buildings and this app has even lead to death. Now, is this app really worth getting seriously injured or dying for? I think not.
The only thing Pokemon Go is good for is that by using this app, you get to explore many new places because Pokemon are found everywhere.
However, Pokemon are found in some seriously sketchy places as well, such as dark alleys, cemeteries and dangerous neighborhoods.
According to an article posted by The Washington Post, the Pokemon Go app itself includes a warning on the loading screen telling users to pay attention to their surroundings.
With the Pokemon makers providing this safety warning to users, it is showing that even the people who made the app know that it is dangerous. So, in reality, there are no pros to using this app whatsoever unless people avoid the sketchy places, only hunt them in places that are safe and pay very close attention to their surroundings.
“Pokemon Go is providing problematic for those who are getting too wrapped up in the game,” Hayley Tsukayama, a writer for The Washington Post said.
At this point in the year, Pokemon Go is pretty close to hitting it’s downfall and although some people still play it there are not many users left, which in my opinion is wonderful. While people were busy playing this game, they were wasting so much of their summer plus their life and putting themselves in harm’s way just to catch some creatures and beat another player.
Although Pokemon Go allows people to get out of the house and get active, there are other ways to get exercise that are not as dangerous.
Another problem with Pokemon Go is the lasting effects it leaves on the user’s personal life. This game is addictive to many people.When people are playing this game constantly, they neglect their family, friends and even neglect important schoolwork.
Before you open up Pokemon Go after getting a notification, think about all of the things that make Pokemon not worth it. This game is not worth wrecking your personal life, getting a serious hospital bill after suffering an injury or maybe even dying for.
Don’t waste your precious time playing a game that is subpar; use your time doing something valuable. Next time you open up the app, consider deleting Pokemon Go from your phone. It will save space on your memory card and maybe even save your life.