The Value of Valentine’s Day

February 4, 2019
The annual holiday of Valentine’s Day is usually approach by the public with very mixed feelings. People usually approach the love-oriented holiday based on their own situation regarding such.
The holiday was originally appointed by the Roman Catholic Church as a means of honoring the martyr Saint Valentine, whom the holiday is now named after. Over the course of history, influential authors began to use the holiday as a symbol of romanticism. This gave it its charming qualities that the celebration now revolves around.
We now know Valentine’s day for its red roses and oversized teddy bears. Most couples end up spending the night of Feb. 14 eating at fancy restaurants.
As a result of commercialization and the efforts of many major companies to make money off of the holiday, the month of February has changed drastically. Most stores find their shelves stocked full of chocolates and Hallmark Valentine’s day cards. This “in your face” form of advertising has given this time of the year a new name. Some enjoy the sweetness of the holiday, and others find that it only puts those without love to shame.
As the day draws closer, many consider the ways in which they will choose to spend the holiday. Many choose rather to celebrate Singles Awareness Day as a way of making light of their lack of a significant other on the most romantic day of the year.
However, in many ways, the holiday is one that celebrates love in addition to romance. Children in elementary school will exchange cards with funny sayings as a way of showing their appreciation for each other. The holiday is celebrated in all forms across the board, although it is disliked by few.