On Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, the WRHS music programs went on their annual elementary school tour.
Band, choir, and orchestra all toured different elementary schools in the district as a way to promote their programs. All students in these programs were excused from all of their classes to tour these schools. Around lunch time, they also stopped at West Ridge Plaza for lunch.
This event is especially important for incoming 5th graders because it will be the year they decide if they want to learn an instrument or stick to choir. Touring is a great way to show students who enjoy and want to pursue music opportunities what is available at the high school .
Orchestra student Jayden Grabauskas said, “My favorite part about the elementary tours is being able to show the love of music to the youth. I was once that inspired little kid who wanted to be like the big kids.” She was also asked what she looks forward to most about Friday: “I am really looking forward to catching up with all of my orchestra friends because we are all so busy, have very different schedules and lives, but the orchestra will always connect us. I appreciate the time I get to spend with them.”
Usually, during these performances, kids are allowed to ask any questions about the music programs and high school in general, which is very informative and influential. Overall this event is a great way to bring music students together with not only their fellow classmates, but also future students.