For this week’s Student Spotlight I have talked to a couple of students here at Waru on their own opinion on finals week! First I interviewed Senior Mackenzie Flood.
- Do you prefer this finals schedule or do you have a different preference that you think would work better for you and other students?
- “I don’t really have a preference, but I will say this year had been easier because of college finals being on different days leaves more time to study for regular classes.”
- What is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to finals for you?
- “My biggest challenge is to know what to study over because some things I study aren’t on the test but things I don’t study are.”
- How do you balance your normal classes with college classes?
- “I have mostly easy classes aside from my college ones, so I really just focus more on college classes rather than my normal ones.”
- Name some study methods or routines that help prepare you for your tests.
- “I make quizlets and just study the flash cards either by myself or with friends taking the same class.”
- What are some things that you think the teacher could do better following up to the finals?
- “I think teachers should have questions they drop if the majority of students get it wrong because the material wasn’t taught enough or understood fully.”