Young Life is a group of high school students who meet at 2900 Auburn Rd at 7.00 p.m, Monday evenings. They play games and grow stronger together in their faith in Christianity. Junior Brady Goeden said, “Young Life is an organization that focuses on strengthening and building friendships and a relationship with Jesus.”
This past Monday Young Life had their annual Color Chaos where they throw colored water on each other purposely staining the all white shirts they wear. This is not the only activity they have. They also have the egg toss where people and their partners throw the egg the farthest between each other without it breaking.
Other events included a bat spin relay, a musical chair type game where they have to try and grab the apples in the middle of a circle, and a contest where they try and knock each other out of a circle with bumper balls. However, there is more to Color Chaos than just showing up and playing games.
Junior Delaney Hill said, “Color Chaos is to get the whole school together to get a glimpse of how fun Young Life can be and what life with God is like. It also gets people excited about the new school year in general.”
Many students feel Young Life is a great opportunity to have fun and do special activities, but also not shying away from the point of being there which is to grow closer and strengthen your relationship with God.